
Междисциплинарный студенческий научный вестник
ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 75777 | ISSN: 2686-9616
О выпуске
Асанова Д.Н.1
Бахтыбаева Ж.Б.1
1Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А.Букетова

В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы и трудности, возникающие в процессе обучения английскому языку детей дошкольного возраста. Были определены факторы, влияющие на привлекательность иностранного языка, появление стимулов и мотивации к его изучению. Отмечен также ряд причин потери интереса к предмету при переходе в начальную школу, в том числе из-за резкого увеличения объема изучаемой лексики по сравнению с дошкольным этапом.

На основе изучения трудов отечественных и зарубежных ученых, анализа современных передовых методик были выявлены пути дальнейшего укрепления интереса к изучению языка за счет пополнения пассивной лексики на дошкольном этапе в процессе аудирования. Эффективная работа с аудированием расширяет пассивный словарный запас и способствует благоприятному переходу к продолжению изучения иностранного языка в начальной школе.

Currently, one of the main tasks in the world education is the formation of a multicultural personality who is proficient in more than three languages with the ability to successfully implement knowledge. Formation of such personality originates from the thresholds of preschool institutions, which in turn should become not only a part of the universal educational system providing knowledge for present interests, but also for the future prospects of the country. Dynamic changes in the modern world have shown that the global educational system needs a comprehensive and in-depth study to develop a quality education policy.

One of the tasks is the formation of a multilingual personality, the foundation of which is carried out within the precincts of a preschool institution. The issue of early foreign language education was previously studied by such scientists as L.S.Vygotsky, S.L.Rubinstein, B.White, N.D.Galskova, Z.N.Nikitenko, J.Bruner and many others whose opinions were different in the degree of effectiveness by age categories [1, 32]. Nevertheless, the unified opinion remains that pre-school age is optimal due to such mental features as the rapid memorization of language information and the ability to analyze and systematize speech flows in different languages.

At the same time, as practice shows, the process of learning a foreign language for preschoolers has not yet brought the expected results. Such a situation is connected, in our opinion, with a number of reasons, first of all, insufficient staffing with qualified pedagogical personnel who are familiar with the methods and technologies of early teaching children a foreign language, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the specifics of children learning a foreign language in this period.

On the one hand, early childhood is considered by experts as the most favorable period for mastering a foreign language.

On the other hand, children of preschool age have certain difficulties in mastering the language associated with the lack of real motives for mastering a foreign language outside the natural language environment.

The goal of learning a foreign language, as well as learning the native language, is mastering a live speech. S.L. Rubinshtein wrote: “The initial mastery of the native language, really lively speech, is carried out in the process of vital motivated communication activities. Only in this way is true mastery of speech achieved as speech. A child normally masters speech - learns to talk, using speech in the process of communication, and not learning it in the process of learning ... ”.

Consequently, a foreign language teacher should build the process of teaching a preschool language a foreign language as learning to communicate, taking into account the prerequisites for successful mastering a new language based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of this age, as well as the generality of speech generation mechanisms, regardless of language.

The question is how to implement early foreign language education. And how far the issue of education is relevant, if the primary activity of preschool children is gaming. How should the educational process of preschoolers be organized without hurting the child's psyche and preventing a negative attitude to foreign speech. Analyzing the methods and techniques used in different countries of the world, positive tendency has been noticed in the countries where at the initial stages the main emphasis is given on the auditory perception of speech. That is, the child first learns to understand and perceive foreign speech. Most often foreign language native speaker teachers are invited to teacher. Where a parallel translation of the teacher's speech is not supposed.

Presently, there are a number of problems in primary schools with the teaching of English language, which arises as a result of the illiterate approach of teaching a foreign language in pre-school institutions. And not only the teacher faces problems while working with students, who differ in their level of training, ability to learn the language, with different motivations and intellectual abilities. And also the students themselves are forced to undergo delays in further language development, due to collaborative work with children with difficulties in getting used to foreign speech. And on the other hand, the students are constrained by circumstance, forced to work with children to some degree higher in their level of a foreign language proficiency. Today, the solution to this problem is the selection of tasks individually suitable for each student. That at the wrong behavior of the teacher on elimination of a shortcoming, or emphasis on lag of the child can significantly affect knowledge and a difference of level of mastering of language.

Another problem arising in the primary classes is the mastery of written speech, which, in the opinion of many researchers, in the initial stage contributes to a more lasting assimilation of the lexical and grammatical material, and to improving the reading and oral speech skills of the language that is not native to the pupil, who still does not know the grammar of his native language.

Despite the fact that primary schoolchildren have a natural interest and curiosity about everything new and unexplored, they lack internal needs for learning a foreign language [2, 58]. And children less prepared for the task of a teacher in a foreign language may completely lose interest in the subject.

Prevention of these kinds of problems can be realized at the very beginning of acquaintance with the language. One of the most effective methods in this case is the immersion method or an uninterrupted teaching technique that can be used in all age groups. One of the main requirements of which is the conduct of classes in a game form. Since the only motivation for a child is not the mastery of the language, but the very communication during the game. The teacher does not require repetition from the child, and it is important to abstain from correcting mistakes in oral speech. Here the child is triggered by one of the processes of mastering his native language, unconscious analysis of his own speech and gradual correction. And the most important process in this case is getting used to the perception of foreign speech. It is perception in a passive character that is the main basis for further mastering a foreign language. Since the acquisition of a foreign language and the development of speech skills are carried out mainly through listening. Even adults, getting into a foreign country require a period for adaptation, that is, passive listening.

At an early age, a child listening to a foreign speech gathers passive vocabulary, which, with constant repetition, is fixed and passes from involuntary memory to arbitrary memory at older preschool age, which in turn is fixed in memory much stronger and facilitates understanding of foreign speech [3, 212].

The foreign speech has repellent property for children at a large flow of unknown words. Such rejection is usually peculiar to children of teachers of a foreign language who in turn, assigning a lot of things to the children, exaggerate the volume of the submitted information that leads to the return reaction in the absence of motives for studying. Repellent property of language, as a rule, result of intellectual and emotional pressure, in attempt to understand the foreign speech.

While working with children, a small experiment was conducted with children aged 6-8 years who passively speak Kazakh and do not speak English. The children were invited to watch a cartoon of the same format and quality in two different languages, in Kazakh and English to choose from. Initially, many preferred to watch in English, but after some time after understanding the fact that the plot was not clear, many preferred to watch in Kazakh, so it was much clearer, accordingly, the rejection of speech in the animated film in an unknown language was revealed. The same stress is experienced by children in the primary classes with a large flow of unknown words. It is then that the psychological rejection of foreign speech occurs, then there is a complete blocking of the perception of foreign language.

According to many foreign experts, it is worthwhile to start learning English from the age of five. This age is considered by many specialists to be the most productive [4, 26]. But given the fact that in 2-3 years the child is able to watch animated films as long as in their native language, then in 4-5 years, after less forming their native speech, understanding the difference between the two languages, children prefer to watch cartoons in their native language, as understanding the meaning of the film, the experience for the characters comes to the fore. This suggests that at the age of 5 the child prefers not only to repeat poems, songs, fairy tales, which are often used in teaching the language, but also to understand the words he has heard.

During the work in the English kindergarten, there was a possibility to observe how children learn foreign speech in an artificially created language environment. One of the rules of the kindergarten was the interaction of the teacher with pupils exclusively in English and conducting classes with children under 5 only in the form of games. That is, the focus was on the auditory perception.

 At the same time, on a personal experience it was possible to make sure that the replenishment of the volume of passive vocabulary is ahead of the formation of active vocabulary. Expanded passive vocabulary is much more intensive, regardless of individual ontogeny. While working with a group of children of 2-3 years, there was a child with signs of delayed mental and speech development. But when controlling the number of recognizable pictures, voiced in English, the result of the child did not actually differ from the results of other children.

The very fact that children who do not have an active native speech had good results in understanding foreign speech, speaks of the result of feedback from the teacher. Here it is possible to specify the stimulating property of the recognizable speech strengthening further interaction of the teacher with the pupil.

The stimulating property of the language is in understanding the meaning of the word. Perception of the meaning of the word occurs through the expansion of passive vocabulary from 2 to 5 years, further there is a conscious construction of meaningful expressions from the already existing vocabulary. The solution of this task is enriching passive vocabulary by constant communication in a foreign language.

As a rule, passive vocabulary is the result of comfortable conditions for children. Since any pressure and demands of a response from children and correction of speech can damage the further development of English speech. The basis for creating conditions for the expansion of passive vocabulary is to spend time with children in gaming activity by consuming frequently used words and word combinations in everyday life, which stimulates unobtrusive memorization of vocabulary and knowledge of the language structure as a whole. Thus, frequently used words and phrases become long-term memory, the analysis of which forms a common linguistic picture. And this, in turn, becomes the starting point for learning English in the elementary grades

This approach is very similar to the technique of Maria Montessori. It is an educational method based on theories of child development, used mainly in preschool institutions. It stresses the importance of adapting the learning environment to the capabilities and level of child’s development and the role of physical activity in the perception of abstract concepts and practical skills [5]. The method is based on several principles:

  • focus on independence;
  • teacher must be an observer;
  • accounting sensitive periods of the younger age category;
  • stimulate the natural motivation of children to achieve competence in their environment and improve their skills and understanding. (According to Montessori, children have an “absorbent mind” from birth to 6 years)
  • the child’s activity is not interrupted by the teacher;
  • mental development is stimulated by the active work of fine motor skills.

All these principles can also be taken into account while working with children learning a foreign language. The whole process of learning a foreign language on the "shell" should be far from learning. In our opinion, the influence should be unconscious, in order to avoid negative emotions.

Thus, it can be concluded that a foreign language can be practiced from 3 years. The question is how to start. Working with children should at least be reminiscent of teaching. Children of younger preschool age should get used to foreign speech through constant listening. Only with the expansion of passive vocabulary we can achieve children’s motivation in preschool age. In other case, we can easily discourage the desire to learn a foreign language. One of the ways to stimulate communication is to create conditions according to their interests. As it is known, the peculiar activity of this age for children is entertainment in the form of games, creativity, dance and songs. It means, the content of speech training involves the implementation of games, plot situations based on musical activity, taking into account the actual needs of the child’s communication on specific topics of this age. Also one of the main conditions for stimulation is the organization of joint activities with adults, the creation of comfort and a favorable environment.

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  2. Balina L.G. Features of teaching English in primary school / / Scientific and methodical electronic magazine "Concept". - 2015. - Vol. 30. – P. 531-535.
  3. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages. - M., 2004. – P.192.
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  5. Montessori M. Her method and the movement. What you need to know.// New York, 1974. – P. 263.
Асанова Д.Н., Бахтыбаева Ж.Б. ПАССИВНАЯ ЛЕКСИКА КАК ОСНОВА ВОСПРИЯТИЯ ИНОСТРАННОЙ РЕЧИ // Междисциплинарный студенческий научный вестник. – 2019. – № 1.; URL: https://stud-messenger.ru/journal/issue-1/article-7/ (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).