Comparison is the most important universal method for the study of linguistic phenomena. It can be used in the analysis of material at different levels of the language system. At one time, the realization of the universality of comparison as a general linguistic device and its separate application in a number of linguistic disciplines in synchronic and diachronic studies led to the creation of comparative linguistics, i.e. linguistic comparative studies. “Comparison,” according to the famous French linguist A. Meye, “can be used to achieve two different goals: to obtain historical information or to find common patterns” [1, 45]. In this work, a comparative method is a method based on a comparison of the corresponding phenomena of different languages, regardless of the presence or absence of genetic connections in them [2, 413].
Modality plays a very important role in the language. Modality is a grammatical category, reflecting the attitude of the speaker to the content of the statement and the statement itself to reality.This subjective attitude can be expressed by various means, words and phraseological units, mood, word order and even intonation. In English, modal expressions are allocated to a special group. Modal verbs reflect a multitude of shades of meanings, namely: possibility and impossibility, necessity and obligation, probability, doubt, confidence, desirability, resolution and prohibition. Facts of reality and their connections, being the content of a statement, can be thought of as speaking as reality, as possibility or desirability, as an obligation or necessity. Evaluation of the speakers of their statements in terms of the ratio of the reported to the objective reality is called modality. The modality in the Russian language is expressed by the forms of moods, special intonation, as well as lexical means - modal words and particles [3, p. 281]. Academician A.A. Shakhmatov resolutely declared the presence of language in addition to inclinations and other means of expressing modality. The verb Must has only one present tense form. Very often the modal verb MUST shows commitment or necessity; actions that must be performed [4].This verb is the most categorical of the verbs of duty, therefore, when expressing urgent advice or an invitation, it can be translated into Kazakh language as: міндетті түрде қажет,әлбетте керек. In the following example, the verb must is used when the speaker decides that something needs to be done. Moreover, his decision was caused by an internal necessity. She liked it; it was a great flower. She must have it. Ол оған ұнады,ол керемет гүл еді.Ол міндетті түрде оны сатып алуы керек.The verb “have to” expresses the necessity of committing an action caused by circumstances - should, have to, forced. The meaning of the verb “have to” is close to the modal verb must (duty or necessity from the point of view of the speaker). In this sense, it can be used in all forms and times, in sentences of any type in combination with a simple, nonperfect infinitive (Indefinite Infinitive) with the particle to. It has the forms of time: have / has - present tense, had - past tense, shall / will have - future tense [5, p. 122]. The waiting-room laughed so loudly at this. Барлығының күлгені соншалық,оған екі қолын жоғары көтеруге мәжбүр болды. In most cases, the verb can expresses the ability of a person to perform an action [5]. “I cant go on no longer like this. I cant bear it. I cant bear it. « Мен осылай әрі қарай жалғастыра алмаймын. Мен шыдай алмаймын.Шыдай алмаймын! In this expression, the verb can is translated not only as I can not, but also as I can not stand it. In the passage from the book, after the girl drank tea and forgot about fear, she decided to speak out. It is for the transfer of the internal state of the heroine, the translator uses such verbs. “ My darling girl”, said Philip, “youre quite mad, you know. It simply cant be done.In Kazakh: “Қымбаттым, сен әбден есіңнен адасқан сияқтысың.Бұл тіпті ойға қонымсыз”. We also use the verbs “can” and “could” when we make a sentence. “could” can be used in formal situations. “Can I have a cup of tea, Miss? She asked. “Can I have a cup of tea, miss?” she asked, turning to the waitress. The adverb is not used in Russian to express a request, wish or requirement. Can and whether it is impossible to coincide in function, therefore such a replacement is quite acceptable. If we compare the verbs “should” and “ought to” with the verb «must», then «must» expresses strict advice. The verb “should” serves to express an assumption with a touch of confidence - probably there should be, etc. In this meaning, should is used with a non-perfective infinitive (less common than with “must”) [5]. She put her head on one side and smiled at the letter. “I shouldnt be surprised.” “Well, I should, Miss Moss,” said she, “and thats how it is.” In Kazakh: “ол басын бір жаққа изеп,хатқа сенімсіз қарап,жымиды. –Мен тіпті де таңқалмаймын.Ал мен таңқаламын,мисс Мосс,-деді ол,-біліп қойыңыз!”. It uses a fairly frequent phenomenon, as we have already noticed, namely the conversion. The verb “should” is replaced by the adverb “тіпті”.It is known that in English, modal words express the author's attitude to his statement, denoting confidence, doubt, suggestion, positive or negative assessment of what is said in the sentence. Modal words may express doubt, suggestion, or uncertainty about what is being reported . I thought you might have been expecting. In Kazakh :Мен тек бұны сіздің күтіп отырған хатыңыз деп ойладым.
To sum up, analyzing modal words of two languages, we found that in most cases the modality is transmitted by conversion and introductory words, although it is not uncommon that modality is transmitted through inclination and interjection forms. Moreover, when translated into Kazakh, English modal verbs are transmitted not only by variant matching, but also by variant matching with amplification, that is, they have an additional component. An additional component may be a verb, introductory word, particle, adverb or interjection. Based on the method of statistical processing, the most common units in the translation are the particle “only (23%), the verb “can” (10%) and the particle “of course” (9%). Thus, the most frequent way of expressing modality in English is modal verbs and modal words, and in Kazakh modal words and simple verbs, the use of which depends on the context.