
Междисциплинарный студенческий научный вестник
ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 75777 | ISSN: 2686-9616
О выпуске
Кабаш М.Д.1
1Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева

В данной статье рассматриваются методы обучения устной речи английского языка на средном этапе. Оснавной целью работы является развитие у учеников способности осуществлять устное речевое общения в разных ситуациях. Устная речь является выражение мыслей в устной форме. В основе интенсификации лежат произносительные, лексические, грамматические навыки. Методы интенсификации английского языка в школах рассматриваются как один из важнейших направлений преподавания.

In modern society, the question of various methods of teaching the main types of speech activity, which constitute the concept of "oral speech", is discussed. The urgency of the development of oral speech is determined by the goals that modern schools face, namely, the formation of a multicultural personality of students with a knowledge system about a foreign language not only at the level of understanding, but also of free communication. The aim of the work is to study the main issues of the development of oral speech at the middle stage of learning English. So we start with the dialogic form of communication as the most characteristic demonstration of the communicative function of a language. When organizing a dialogue speech the teacher takes into account such personality traits as initiative in communication, temperament features, level of knowledge. The student must show: the ability to greet the other person and respond to the greeting, as native English speakers do; the ability to politely say goodbye; the ability to introduce someone to other person; to express agreement and disagreement to do something; ability to congratulate on a holiday, birthday, New Year, etc; In modern school teachers, unfortunately, are forced to replace the speech competence with the test, because the final exam is held in the form of test tasks. But the return of the oral exam to the educational program makes us spend more time on the development of speech skills. The ability to perform language test cannot replace oral speech skills. We will try to define what a speech situation is. It is such a linguistic phenomenon, when the participants of this action feel the need to use speech means for communication. These can be feeling, commands, advice, opinion, etc. Consider the principle of intensive foreign language teaching “method of Kitaygorodskaya G. A.”. The success of the Kitaygorodskaya method is fully justified, because all its activities are held under “Love what you are doing, and you will be able to turn your classes into an exciting process for many listeners and followers of your work”.

The next principle used in the lessons is the organization of the game. Perhaps no one will deny the meaning of role playing games in the development of oral speech. A separate lesson can be fully constructed using role playing games, and to relieve tension and fatigue in each lesson you can enter different game moments. In the process of learning it serves several practical purposes. In the game, the students overcome psychological barrier of communication in a foreign language, improve their grammar lexical skills. For the purposes, Puppet Theater with finger puppets, watches, telephone sets and much more are used. This is necessary for practicing speech clichés.

Also we should pay attention to the interactive learning technologies. They provide a planned result, individual interactive techniques that stimulate the process, cause interest, activate mental capabilities. The use of information and communication technologies can significantly improve the efficiency of the process of learning a foreign language. The use of various computer programs in teaching vocabulary is especially important. For example multimedia technologies allow simultaneous operations with still images, dynamic images (video films, animated graphic images), text ant sound.

Thus, we can conclude that the work of teaching oral speech results in the use of various tasks that shape the intellectual development of schoolchildren. A sufficient number of training exercises should be given, which should precede all work related to auditory perception. All these and a number of other techniques used in the complex in a particular system, contribute to mastering a very difficult side of the language – oral speech.

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Кабаш М.Д. МЕТОДЫ ИНТЕНСИФИКАЦИИ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА НА СРЕДНОМ ЭТАПЕ // Междисциплинарный студенческий научный вестник. – 2019. – № 6.; URL: https://stud-messenger.ru/journal/issue-6/article-37/ (дата обращения: 15.01.2025).